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I wish to make a complaint about my hen rights

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I am bluebelle and I am broody.


I have been fully exploring my right as a hen to stop laying, stop eating, lay one enormous massive stinky poo a day and to awe the human young with it, to fluff up agressively at my owners, to risk lice by staying in my room ALL DAY and generally BITING the hand that feeds me.


I have had my hen rights transgressed. My owner has put flower pots in my laying space, all very nice but messes up the decor. It's ok as I can squeeze in between them to nest more cosily.


Then my owner thought it would be a good idea to put bricks in the nestbox. Ha. It made a right mess when the others came in to lay. I wouldn't let them on my bit so they laid on the bricks and broke their eggs. Silly chickens.


Since then my owner's been applying chicken hrt and has had me on ice packs changed twice daily. This is quite nice as it's been warm lately but I won't tell her that. She has to put gardening gauntlets on anyway to come anywhere near me, might give her a complex.


Yesterday the greatest outrage occurred when my owner put me in a CAGE in the run. I did full fluffing and made sure that when I was fully in that my BUM was so fluffed that all she could see was my bummel staring at her. I ensured that I did my broody poo straight away. She has PUT ME UP ON BRICKS which she says is to get air around me, but I'm just convinced that it is because I am a scouse bird. I have put my food in my water and spilled the rest on the ground through the slats.


I uphold my rights to generally starve myself to death and be a mare. I'll kid her on that I'm off broody and then when she lets me out I'll let it back into my lovely room and nest.


Any hen solicitors apply here. The rest of the crowd are vascilating between thinking I'm barmy and huddling at the back of the run because they think the cage thing is going to happen to them.

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Thats beautifully written but your keeper is doing the right things and some times its better to give in and be gracious as you will unfortunately not win your case


No solicitor would take this case not even on a no win no egg basis


Keep up the massive poos though, that is awesome 8)


sorry :lol:

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We might be able to join together and form a Class Action case.


My human has released me. She said something about the other girls already having laid and shutting the eglu door.


I did full puffle and headed for the stairs to my room. It is CLOSED. For cleaning, I assume. I have taken my position at the top of the stairs in full puffle, occasionally banging my beak on the door to check that it will not open and squawking. This ensures that my human throws some corn down as she thinks it makes us forget what we were worrying about. I have taken my position at the top of the stairs in full puffle. I can't remember why.


I do not recommend the room service.


I have done broody poo in my box for my human.

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Day 24 in the Big Broody house. Bluebelle is back in the broody box. The moment the nest box door was reopened she headed straight back for it. Putting her in the box was like trying to put an octopus in a string bag. It is amazing quite how many bits of hen can poke out of a small aperture. The others are bemused and secretly impressed.


Owner considering acquiring more hens to make up for the lack of laying.

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I have done broody poo so heuge that it has made a mountainous heap through the slats in my air conditioned accomodation.


Room Service released me after her 'job' and was quite impressed by the size and smell of my offering. What is chicken for 'bloomin heck look at the size of that?'?


Room Service allowed me to do mingling and as she was so pleased that I had left the building I decided to please her by digging a large dust bowl in the lawn to do beauty treatments with my friends. Room Service was further impressed that I did not head straight to the nest box when she opened it after evening cleansing.


She thinks I am over it all. But the weather turns warmer tomorrow.


And I've persuaded two of my friends to go into moult.

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