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Waiting and waiting....

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oh, that doesnt sound good, does it


I hope they are looking after the hens :( , actually I cant imagine the hens letting anyone forget about them, mine were yelling rather loudly today cos they were getting low of food :oops:


I hope they are ok, and I do think a complaint is in order.




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but you are not complaining for yourself, you are conplaining for the birds :?


I think a phonecall in the lines of "erm, you do realise that there are hens in my package, are they ok? I bet they are making an awful racket, can you have a look at them for me? how many eggs have you got, as they are POL hens, you could have fresh eggs for breakfast..."


are they answering the phone now?

ask them about the hens, they could have a look whilst they are asleep and phone you back.


I dont like complaining either :(


good luck




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Phew :D Chikkies arrived 12:30. I popped them straight into their run, uncancelled my shift and went to work. I don't know anything about hens but they seemed OK if a bit grubby. One dirty bum :vom: but I don't suppose I should be surprised by that. They feel very light but then again they are only 9 weeks old and I imagine they are mostly feathers. When I left them they were pecking around in the run. They have eaten some growers pellets. Can't tell whether they have drunk much. When I got home from work at 9 they were standing at the door of the coop trying to hide under each other - poor wee things. I picked them up (no complaints) and put them in their house. They look tiny in there! I can still hear them making baby chick noises when I walk past :anxious:

Should I give them a bath tomorrow or will the mucky bum magically go away? They are cochins so I suppose regular baths are going to be a way of life :lol:

They are such pretty little things! :D I will take pictures tomorrow and post them here.

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I have 2 new girls and even though they are older than your girls-they both cheep like chicks, one more so than the other.

They are also sooooo tame compared to my Omlet hens who I have now had for over 2 years.

They come over to me, let me pick them up, cheep in front of me when they want a cuddle.

They are just soooooooooo sweet :D:D:D


It might just be a one off but the hens from a breeder are just 100% more calm, happy and tame than my Omlet ladies have ever been or ever likely to be by the look of it :roll:


Makes sense though-Omlet hens are bred by the hundreds to keep up with demand. They probably don't have a great deal of human contact before they are homed whereas my new hens hatched in the ladies house and have been cuddle, stroked and carried ever since.


I would only ever want to buy from a small time breeder from now on :D

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