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chicken bark

Nearly 3 weeks old - photo heavy!!

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Here are pictures of my 7 chicks - they are just under 3 weeks old. I suppose I want some indication if any of you can of what sex they might be. Also could you let me know what colour the yellow Pekin is please (don't say yellow :lol: ).


Lavender Pekin 1



Black Pekin



Yellow Pekin



Blue Pekin



Lavender Pekin 2 (or maybe the first one again LOL)



SL Dotte 1 (Girl?)



SL Dotte 2 (Boy?)


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Crikey all the Pekins look like boys to me! possible exceptions are the black and yellow ones I guess.. all have big combs but those two have the paler comb found on the females but still worryingly big :anxious:


The yellow one looks like it will be buff coloured


The silver laced are harder, not sure on no 1, no 2 has a single comb when it should be rosecomb and looks possibly male but since they dont normally have single combs its hard to tell

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Sadly I thought it looked like a lot of boys too Tasha.


I'm hoping the black pekin (it was the first fertile egg I candled and also the first one hatched) is a girl and one of the lavender ones has only got a comb in the last couple of days.


The one SLW that I think is a girl I actually pulled off 95% of the shell as she was pipping at the wrong end.


Any idea how early it is before I can be certain with the Pekins? The SLWs I don't mind not knowing quickly as the boys will be grown on for the table (Sorry don't wish to offend anyone - just trying to be practical about it).

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