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soft shelled egg

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I have just been out to collect my eggs and found one soft shelled one which had been laid on the perching bars in the eglu and fallen through to the tray. The yolk and white look normal but the shell has split and looks like a deflated baloon. Why has this happened and should i be worried?


Thanks Girlsmum

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if you have hens that are new to laying it is common to find a few soft shelled eggs, odd shaped eggs as they are just getting their laying gear into practice! :)


If it's a hen that is quite an established layer it is possibly a sign she isnt getting enough grit - cutting down on treat giving ensures they feed up on pellets.

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Thanks for replying chelsea. My chickens have been laying for about 4 weeks now. Bought them as point of lay. Have been giving them a few brussel sprouts/ handful of mixed corn to get them to go back into run after free ranging. Do you think this is too much?



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