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garden distroyers

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When we first got our girls they caused quite a bit of damage to the flowerbeds – they either ate the tender leafed plants, or jumped on top of the shorter plants and scratched them to pieces!


We replaced the more delicate plants with some shrubs that were too high for the girls to climb on, and generally the plants are left alone now.


We have various hebes, lavenders, fucsias, thymes, bulbs and ornamental grasses which are all doing fine. Chives and mint are also left alone.


The problems we have are with some tall dahlias that sometimes get damaged; the girls trample their way through the stems and snap the flowers off… but I can live with that! And parsley and basil are hidden away under cloches!


Our girls also liked to dustbathe in a plant pot that contained a dwarf tree – they ended up exposing the tree’s roots when they flicked the compost out. We’ve now put some thick plastic mesh over the surface of the compost, which seems to have worked a treat in keeping the girls out! :lol:

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