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party princess... problem

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i have a new years party on new years eve (well duh :roll: ).... and a very cold dress to wear to it. :shock:


i need a quick fix to keep me warm, i was thinking stoles and shrugs and possibly long sleeved boleros :D .


does anyone have any knitting patterns that i could use to make such an item? :?


preferably something quick and easy for a slow knitter! :wink:

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have a look on www.knittingpatterncentral.com


they have loads of free patterns, some you will love (and some you will wonder why anyone ever wasted the time typing it up, let alone knitted it :lol: )


I personally would either get huge needles (and 5 strands of yarn) and knit a shawl, or a square, fold it in half, and tack the ends together to make a shrug type thing (if that makes sense :lol: )


have fun



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