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Medicated chick crumb & health

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Please move if this is in the wrong place...didn't know where to put it!


You know that some chick crumb is medicated (some not). Well my OH uses part mix of chick crumb & finch seed for his quail. He has a few health problems which seem to have got worse in the past 6 months which seems to be timed with his quail laying.....you know where I'm going!


The chick crumb he buys he gets from where ever he can depending on where he's working in small amounts so we haven't been able to monitor what brands have been used.


Does anyone know what symtoms he would have by eating eggs layed by birds which have eaten medicated food?


Thanks x

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I think it would be a good idea if he went to the doctor, and showed which drugs the medicated chick crumb contained.


You should never eat eggs from birds which have eaten medicated chick crumb.


I doubt whether anyone on this forum will be able to help you without knowing what drugs are in your husband's system.


(On the other hand, if the medication is safe for tiny chicks, I can't think it would do a grown man that much harm.)

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He's been to the docs with a whole list of small things that wouldn't really be anything alone but together they are giving him hell! He's now being referred to a sleep clinic & has had various scans and cameras where the sun don't shine :shock: !


He eats about 12 eggs a weeks which his mum gets him from a farm plus his own approx 10 quail eggs a week (which is alot when you think about it!). We have no way of finding out if the farm are treatin their birds for Coxy.


I just put 2 & 2 together yesterday & thought I wonder! The symptoms are intermittant though. But he does buy the chick from various sources etc etc. I found an really quite scary report from the soil association late last night which will put me off eating any super market chicken ever - even the supposedly Organic ones. ... not sure if I'm allowed to do a link here.

Will keep you posted.



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