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What is wrong with Hetty?

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One of my hens has runny poo all the time. She is permanently dirty around the rear end. Apart from that she seems healthy, is laying every day, eating normally and not losing weight. The other two are fine. I got Hetty from a local breeder, the others are Omlet hens. I have tried bokashi bran but it doesn't seem to do any good, in any case they free range all day so controlling what they eat is rather difficult. Any suggestions welcome as I am quite worried about her.

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had that with one of mine, althoughex bat & she was layig softees all the time. tried bokashoi too, but rang vet for advice. took her in and got a course of antibiotics baytril. also "gave" me some avipro. she also though not loosing weight had not gained either although was feathering up well. Pooh got betrter quickly & had cleared up pretty much after about day 4 or 5 of antibiotics. I reckon there was some low grade infection she couldn't clear up, as like yours she seemed perky enough & ate well, but hope that I averted a poorly chiok by going to the vet(I am not one that rushes off ligtly either) hope this is of some help.

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