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crop not empty overnight

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Hello, hoping I can catch someone with their first cuppa of the day :)

Any advice on crop full in morning. suspician that so yesterday. confirmed now.

It was fairly small when I felt yesterday but it was not very 1st thing, it did not feel hard I don't think nor squishy for sure.

She is "not herself" now for sure and naturally checked very 1st thing, it is larger, very tiny amounts of wewt pooh .

Gave live white maggot yesterday afternoon

Didn't know how many

Also this morning.

Should I keep normal food away from her & offer something else. Didn't see her drink much yesterday, close eye today.

Offerd a few grapes this morning for fluid only wanted about 3.

just had small amount prob youhurt


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Thanks :) had done a search & got loads of posts, having missed it on the "visual search" in the health section.

Went back to search(after your post, to see why I had not found it1) & realised need to narrow the search to health section to get it. Also last night tried crop bound :oops: with a zero result! :oops:

Luckily it is not that huge or hard, but I stupidly let her top up before bed as I thought she must be feeling better to want to eat :doh:

If I had thought I would have given her something wet & runny :oops:

She was hugely unipressed with the olive oil in syringe :!:

and having had wet ready brek just before I came home did not fancy the maggots.

The others did just as well as they are not as obliging as meal worms & try to escape :anxious:

thanks again :)

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Flippin fussy chook decided she doesn't like live Maggots!!!!!!

I know it is the maggots cos offered her some live mealworm & she scoffed 'em.

been out3 hours & she was in crate with her own avipro'd water (measured & not touched)

A few dried mealworms, if eaten lkeft most.

some youghurt she has had & is tempted by runny watery ready breck.

Will have put 3 1ml stringes of warm olive oil in by her bed toime and the same water in 3 goes.

Is that enough?

the crop feels gritty but could be grainey I suppose?, am only massaging very gently, the crop could rupture couldn't it.?

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I think you would have a job to rupture it.


When one of mine needed help with a blocked crop, it did massage it fairly firmly, but not vigorously IYSWIM, and I did it about 6 times a day for a couple of days.


It depends what the cause is, of course. My girl had eaten long grass.

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ok thanks. I missed the last olive oil cos she went to bed, but she did at least drink three chicken head up fulls pf water herself then ate 3 maggots. the others think it's great as I keep getting them to finish them as the horrid wriggly things escape the bowl! yuk yuk yuk!!!

I have also had a few larger wet pohs so something must e getting through.

thinking about it, we were in the garden all afternoon once this week before she got like this, wonder if she grabbed at something she shouldn't.

Is there a time limit before it needs a vet to empty it? I guess it depends how she is?

she has eaten a little today, but clearly is out of sorts, picks up bits of grit then spits it out.

offered her varying pots with mixed sizes & she would not peck about outside for anything today :(

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I had similar with one of my girls last year.


I did the live maggots covered in live yogurt trick which she loved. But I was worried about fluids and so I resorted to making a really, really sloppy mixture of pellets and warm water with a dollop of live yogurt for good measure. She ate that and I felt better that she had some nutrition as well as water.

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thanks henwatch, she's still damv it refusing the live maggots. :(

This morning it has gone down some which is good but thee is still a fairly moveable. ie not solid/hard lump.

I put 1ml of warm olive oil in before anything else then massaged.It feels like grit in thee or maybe undigested grain?

Then she had some yoghurt & picked at 2 maggots :)

Then as she had the small drink herself before bed she wouldn't drink so I put maybe 2ml of avipro water down her, before offering her the slloppy raedy brek laced with high calorie paste. few beak fullfs of both , then did a really really almost liqid warm layers mash which she was very happy to peck at, who would have thought happy to see good amounts of liquid poohs, at least something is getting in.

She refused grape but had a fair bit of squidgy apple.

Still clearly not herself though. :(

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This morning it has gone down some which is good but thee is still a fairly moveable. ie not solid/hard lump...........................Still clearly not herself though. :(


My chook took a few weeks to get over it (it's actually a photo of my Henny that Claret used in her article). Hers was squishy not hard. She is fine now but she is thinner than the others and just ocassionally her crop gets very very large as she eats throughout the day. It does empty by morning but I think that her crop muscles/skin must be damaged or over elastic in some way as a result of the problems she had last year.


Fingers crossed for your chook.

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turned out to be very nasty sour. thought I was going to loose her. emergency 6 oclock trip to vet (mine not on duty)that didn't empty it but gave an antibiotic. spare you details but at midnight I had to empty some. scarey. :!: Started on oral daktarin myself 6pm, midnight, then later Sunday got 3 doses in. WONDERFUL outcome. vet sugest one more day of Daktarin. :D

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