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Where to get hens

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Hi everyone need abit of help when i get my Eglu in the future i am out of range for omlet to drop off hens aswel ( around 25 miles ) what i would like to no if anyone can help is do you know anywhere to get hens in southend essex or near or around this place i would realy like to start looking at all the breeds out there to help me make my mind up on what breed to get

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hiya. got my 4 from there on May 10 as 16 week olds (so hence will have to wait for my eggs til mid-June I should think, but wanted to get them anyway!!)

Mine are bluebelles and Sussex somethings (Stars) I think. I chose them from a free range flock of about 50 birds.


the guy breeds chickens quite seriously, and seems very knowledgeable. my Sussex 2 are very pretty, but their markings are not good enough for breeding, so hence he was happy to let them go. its hard to describe - its a bungalow in the middle of nowhere, and you go up the back and there are huge fields with lots of smaller poultry runs for small breeding groups, and then big areas for flocks (which tend to be grouped in age). it was all as clean as you would expect a chicken raising place to be, and certainly a million miles from battery conditions, although I suppose I would say he was a small scale poultry breeder/farmer (sorry, that sounds a bit offputting somehow!) really, I would praise him very highly - very knowledgeable, explained to me all about the different breeds he had, how you get diff coloured eggs by crossing different breeds, etc etc. and gave me a box of eggs to take home which were delicious! he also has the world's thickest sheepdog which attempted to 'help' him round up my birds - never seen anything so funny in my life!


in terms of health/strength: well, no probs so far, and they are eating like horses and growing daily!


I can give you his name and number, dont know if its ok to put it on here or if I would have to try and work out the technology to PM you!!

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Hi name and number would be great cheers ive just found a place in Chelmsford essex but i found this place on the internet im going to prob take a look to see what i think but would be nice to check places that others on here know about or have used , seen etc.

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If you look under 'Chicken FAQs' there is a sticky with lists of breeders that have been recommended, and I think it would be fine to post your recommendation on there, beachchick.


Sorry I can't suggest anywhere as I got my hens from Omlet, although I will be looking for a supplier after my holiday in August, when I expand my flock!

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