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Walk In Run Extension(s) for sale (or swap for Walk In Run Doors), Windsor SL4

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We've been reorganising our walk in run, and I have some walk in run extensions for sale.  I won't know for a couple of days exactly how many I have (I need to make sure we have all the bits)  but there will be at least 3.

Would these be of interest to anyone?  Happy to sell as  individual extensions.

These cost £109.90 from Omlet, I'd be looking for £60 each.

I'm looking for some walk in run doors, so I'd be happy to consider a swap or part exchange (straight swap of 1 run extension for a set of WIR doors;     or a part exchange of 1 run extension for a single WIR door +, say,  £30)

 I'm just outside Windsor, Berkshire, SL4.



Diagram of WIR Extension for sale 2023-05-31_15-18-49.jpg

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I can't see how to edit my original post, so I'm adding this comment.
If your current run is 2 sections wide by 3 sections long,   I may well have enough pieces to make up an extension so you could make yours 3m x 3m  (This costs £131.90 on the Omlet site).  I've definitlyy got enough panels and poles, I just need to see if I have  enough T pieces)

  If you think you would be interested in this, please let me know.

diag showing extn converting 2x3 to 3x3  2023-05-31_15-37-38.jpg

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I've  got 4 of these available.

If you don't mind buying a  set of doors plus 2 Pole sSUpports from Omlet,  I've (currently) actually got enough bits to make a 2x2 walk in run, and I'd be happy to cnonsider dong that. I'd be looking for £180 for this,




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