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Breeders in/close to essex

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I am looking for


2 x POL Hybrids (not sure which breed yet)

2 x Partridge Pekin Bantams

1 maybe 2 gold or blue silkies

1 cuckoo maran

1 x white or black frizzle


does anybody know anywhere that I might get some or all of these in or around essex (I am in Billericay Essex) don't mind travelling a bit though


Many thanks

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Hi HPops


I'm waving hello from over in Rettendon - I was in Billericay this afternoon!


I too can recommend Kirsty at Hens 4 Homes, she is great, mad as a box of frogs but has a good range of chooks and is dead helpful. Not an Eglu fan and doesn't think you can keep 4/10 in an Eglu or Cube but is not really nasty about the Eglu as I believe some can be.


I really want to go down to Kirsty and get a couple more girls, I fancy a heritage skyline and a bluebelle but not just yet as I need to work on The Anti Chicken a bit more (hope she doesn't read this - she may have confirmed her membership by now!).


I'm picking up my ex batts tomorrow so maybe after they've settled....


Oh and check out the get togethers section - we are having one at Barleylands in May!

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I too can recommend Kirsty at Hens 4 Homes, she is great, mad as a box of frogs


Surely that's a requirement for being a chicken breeder? :lol:


I'm after partridge pekins as well, but it's the wrong time of year - there are a very few breeders with spares from the autumn hatch but most have nothing yet. I hesitated over a couple of them (they were in Rugby, which is a longish way for me to go) and someone else nipped in ahead of me. Now I don't know whether to hang on a bit longer to see if Kirsty hatches any, or order some from Fritton Poultry :think:

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I guess it is a requirement.


When we went there to get our first girls she really was great - The Anti Chicken had a lot of reservations and Kirsty put her mind at ease.

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Hi Eyren - you mentioned ordering from Fritton Poultry - are they likely to have any this time of year? Whereabouts are they - I had a look at the website but it didn't tell you much.





They're in Fritton (where else!) which is near Gt Yarmouth. They don't have any pekins to sell atm - Charley is taking orders for new hatchings, so she'll have some youngsters off heat in two or three months' time. I didn't ask about large fowl, though - hybrids lay all year round, so I guess they are more likely to have some of those.

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