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Chicken Licken

1 egg, 1 softy and later another egg

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Fenny has not being laying for the last 10 days or so. Clara bless her lays pretty much all of the time and is a very reliable little hen. Fenny is more flighty in her approach to laying!!

I have boosted the chook food - some fish, poultry spice and the usual pellets and greens. This morning there was a softy in the droppings tray and an egg that fell out of the door as it was opened to let the chooks into the run.

I cleaned out the eglu, washed the roosting bars and gave the girls fresh hemcore and louse powder int he nesting box. Fenny promptly took up residence and fluffed herself up in true egg laying style.


Anyway came home this afternoon to find a perfect little brown egg.


Do you think she will go back into egg laying mode now?

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