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I think I may have asked this before...but does anyone elses bunny go through a nest-making routine when it's 'that time of the month'? (as it were). We've had the bunnies checked several times to make sure they're both female (so no babies thankfully) but Delilah has gone a bit nuts with the fur pulling this year and shes now got two rather large bald pacthes on each side. They don't look sore or anything but was just wondering if anyone elses bunnies do this? Tallulah has pulled her fur out before but she always does it from her tummy & doesn't make herself bald.


We're not currently interested in getting them neutered - was more of just an interest question :)

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are they neutered??? if they arent then you might need to get them done, this should stop the nesting ritual. Some of my guests have gone into their owners wardrobes and pulled out all their clothes to make a nest before and ruined them all. Healthier for them if they are female and will also stop them from being so territorial

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I know that you have mentioned not getting them neutered, but I think it may have to come to this. You don't say how old they are, but once they reach adulthood, they may start to fight, girls especially, sorry :( also theres a big chance of uterine cancer in female rabbits. It will also stop all the fur plucking!!

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Well they're nearly a year and a half old, and they're fine. I'm not totally against getting them neutered but after discussing it with our vet, she basically said that she doesn't think it's worth putting them through a big operation for no reason and that we'll just monitor the situation. I will get them done if it's necessary but at the moment I agree with my vet. The rabbits are fine together and the major fur plucking only appears to happen at the beginning of spring. Neutering is not the answer to all behaviour issues anyway apparently.


I worry about my rabbits like children, so I can assure you I do keep a very close eye on them, but at the moment I don't feel it's necessary to get them neutered. But like I said I'm taking them both to the vets soon for a booster so will probably be discussed again then.


I was just asking out of interest regarding the fur plucking - I appreciate your comments though :)

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Interesting that your vet doesn't think neutering is necessary - I've only ever heard the opposite. It's not so much for behaviour reasons (my girl bunny Victoria was spayed a year ago, but still humps her brother! I think it's for dominance reasons though, as she's definitely the boss and just wants to remind him, I reckon - she's never made a nest, so it's quelled that instinct in her). It's more for health reasons - 90% of female wild rabbits that don't die from predation will die from uterine cancer. It's incredibly common in rabbits, so much so that it's regarded almost as a normal part of the ageing process for female rabbits, sadly. I'd definitely get your two done - these days, the surgery and anaesthesia are very low-risk for buns and Victoria was back to her normal self the day after her op.

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