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What grass to plant for chickens?

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Over the winter a large part of my lawn has been completely stripped to bare mud due to various gardening projects (not least of which was moving a walk-in chicken run into place!)


So, I'm going to re-seed it, but was wondering if anyone can recommend a hardy grass variety that will stand up a bit better to chicken scratching than normal grass?





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we returfed about 3 weeks ago. Instead of going to a garden centre we went direct to a turf company. We asked for a strong/tough grass and they supplied us with "meadow" grass.


The stuff at the garden centre was dry and in poor condition. It may pay you to look in the yellow pages for turf companies and contact them direct. It was cheaper too! :D

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I've been wondering the same thing - I'm guessing you want something that's tough and quick to establish, but not one of the ones with clover mixed in since it's on the poisonous plants list. And it's not like our lawns are going to need fertilising!


Johnson's Quick Lawn looks like a good all-rounder:




I'm going to aerate mine as well, since the soil is probably quite compacted from me walking across it in last year's wet weather :(

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