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Might be getting our ex-batts soon!

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Phoned up the battery hen welfare trust local co-ordinator this morning, to see if she had any news on the next rescue date yet.


She said she spoke to the farmer last night, and she should be getting a few hundred this weekend and then a couple of weeks later another couple of hundred :)


She's got a HUGE waiting list of people who want to rehome the hens. We're on the list, but she hasn't worked out the numbers yet about who can have x amount etc, and at which rescue date.


We're on the list for rehoming up to 12 hens... but due to the big list, she can't guarantee we'll get that many. Any is better than none though :wink:


Anyway, we're waiting to hear back from her - she said it'll be in the next few days or so :D


So you know what that means??? We've now got to expand the chook run - AGAIN lol :lol::lol:


At the moment it's 8ft by 7ft, which is big enough for about 6 hens. We've only got 3 at the moment, so they're living in a mansion by those standards! lol.. But if we get another 12 we'll need a lot more room.


Alan's just gone out to collect some ready made panels for the new run! They're each 6ft by 3ft, and we're getting 15 of them. So the run will be 12ft by 12ft by 6ft high. All we have to do is put the panels together, add a gate and a corrugated plastic roof and it'll be ready!!!


We got the aviary panels really cheap too - and they're brand new :wink:

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Daywalker - we saw an ad in the ad trader, and phoned up and it turns out it's a retired man who makes them.


They're each 6ft by 3ft, and made with aviary wire. They're £14 each panel.


When al got there, he told him he also sells gates which are the same size as the panels for £23 each.


So we bought 15 panels and a gate, which cost us £233. We couldn't have made it ourselves any cheaper and it wouldn't have turned out as nice either!


Plus we didn't have the hassle of doing it ourselves either :D (although we still have to put the roof on - will prob be doing that next week, as the chooks *shouldn't*, fingers crossed, be able to jump out as it's 6ft high)


The run looks fab! We put it together this afternoon and the chooks love it! It's 12ft by 12ft and they don't seem to know what to do with all that space :lol:


Can't wait to get the ex-batt ladies in there too! I hope they like it just as much as our three!


I'll take some pics tomorrow and put them on.. i love it!!! :D


P.s. PM me if you want the details, as he pretty much makes them to order - he also does complete aviaries, runs etc. He's in Canterbury.



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