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Can anyone help with a chicken jumper pattern??

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Hi, I have emailed the laughinghens website about a pattern for a chicken jumper but have heard nothing from them. I am expecting a group of rescued girls in a couple of weeks and really need to get a head start on them. Please could someone email me a copy if you have one?? I know the weather is supposed to be getting warmer but we live on a hill and it still gets nippy here in the wind. Don't want to think of my girls getting cold. Many thanks for you help. Clare x

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Oh - I thought you meant a jumper with a chicken picture on, and was going to email you a link to the ones that someone knitted their daughters for Easter!


You mean the Chux Tux! I have got the pattern, Little Chickadee had a thread going about this - see here. You might want to read the thread first, because there is some advice from the BHWT. However, quite a few people knitted the jumpers - I think it's up to you to decide whether they would suit your chickens or not.


If you still want the pattern after you've read the thread, send me a PM with your email address, and I will forward it to you.

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MANY THANKS FOR OLLY FOR SENDING ME THE PATTERN!! Once I have finished knitting Makka Pakka for my little ones birthday (either today or tomorrow) I will be on to a jumper!


Julie, if you pm me your email address I will do my best to send it to you. Clare x

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