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egg eating help or was it broken?

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we have a rhode red who is nice and red in face and very mouthy, and eating for england. now i just gone in the coop and thre is a egg shell a brown coloured one bit speckly so we presuming it from her?

as my buff and my bantam is very pale eggs and lay them in the box.

now we thikn she has eaten the egg? :cry::cry: it prob her first one as well what can i do to stop her doing this :cry: its my son hen and he is gutted its his first egg of her as far as we know and she may have eaten it or would seh layed it there and it broke?

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It could have just broken. Sometimes they tread on them accidentally.


Did she have the evidence around her mouth?


If she did eat it and it becomes a habit, you can put pot eggs in the nest. Pecking them and getting nowhere is supposed to put them off, or you could blow the contents out of an egg and fill it with mustard....if you can be bothered.


The taste experience is also supposed to put them off.


Try to collect the eggs regularly so that temptation is not left in her way.

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I know that sometimes if I haven't been able to check for a while (if I'm at work) then I get one with a cracked shell as the other hen has gone in and scratched around to lay hers - I have been lucky so far that non have broken fully.

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