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Elderly cat breathing difficulties when purring

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Im so glad to see that I am not alone. Im going through the same breathing problems with my 17 year old cat. She eats; plays, cleans herself & is quite normal besides the purring that goes into the breathing problem. For some reason, it seems to happen for the most part at night. Have seen 3 Vets & have had bloodwork, but still no answers; except she has moderate kidney disease. I hope we all figure this out soon

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As of today, I am no closer to a diagnosis. His lungs do not show fluid or congestion. His heart is slightly enlarged (on lasix) and he is getting a Covenia injection today.  The antibiotics seem to help in the short term but oral Clavamox made him ill. November 14 he is going in for more bloodwork and scans of his throat to see if they can see and enlarged thyroid or mass.  I will update then.

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