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Mrs Frugal

Using quotes, lists, coloured and different sized text

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To use quotes in a posting, click “Quote” at the top right of the posting you wish to quote and you’ll get a box appear with everything that person has written. You can choose which part you’d like to quote by deleting anything that isn’t relevant to what you want and this text should appear with [*quote=”whoever you are quoting]….what they said…[/*quote] (but without the * in).


To use quotes in a posting, click “Quote” at the top right of the posting you wish to quote and you’ll get a box appear with everything that person has written.

You can then type in what you want to say underneath and click submit and you should end up with a posting with a quote by another forum member along with your reply.


When you’re posting a reply, you can change the color of the text you’ve typed by highlighting the words and choosing a color from the drop down menu in the “font color” box. You can also change the size of the text using the “font size” drop down menu in the same way. Other changes you can make include making the text bold or italic or underlined and this can be done in the same way by highlighting the appropriate piece of text and clicking the B, i or u buttons near the top of the posting box.


Please see forum rules re the use of fonts.



The button "list" makes a list (it just indents it a bit):

  • One


The button [*] adds a bullet point when using the "list" feature:

  • One
  • Two
  • Three


The button "List=" makes a list, but lets you choose what you want for the bullet point:


  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three


  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three


To do this, change the Q to a letter or number




Code is needed because you cannot use the tab key, and its quicker than adding a load of spaces.

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