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pecking and drawing blood.

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Hi fellow fans,


My four ladies tend to get on very well when they are poking around the garden together, Yesterday I had to keep them restricted to their pen. This morning when I let them out to roam around again I noticed my smallest, "featherless/scraggy" hen had been pecked on her front bib (not sure if thats what it's called) and again behind her neck. I can see dried blood there. She doesn't seem to bothered by it, and is happy nibbling away and pecking my flowers! :shock: - I wonder if it was down to boredom that they (one of them) decided to peck her but I'm worried as I hear that if blood is drawn then they could potentially kill her. Should I be worried or let them battle it out?

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From what I've read on here you may need to spray the chicken who has been pecked with Gentian Violet Spray (if you can get it) to hide the redness of the blood. The other chickens may be attracted to the red blood and peck at it making the problem worse.


I also read on here that gentiian violet spray has been withdrawn and may be difficult to get hold of but I have been told the iodine has the same effect.


I don't know if anyone on the forum has any opinions on using iodine

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