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What do chicks eat, please? Chick crumbs haven't arrived!!

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One of our hens, Sparkle, went broody a month ago for the 2nd time, so 21 days ago we bought her 6 Silver Grey Dorking eggs on ebay. Unfortunately I let one drop and crack on Day 2, by lifting Sparkle off the nest without realising she was holding an egg on her feet :( but she sat on the others very conscientiously and today we have 3 newly hatched chicks (all hens) plus one egg with a small, hopeful-looking hole in it :P . Only snag is, I ordered a small bag of chick crumbs a couple of days ago - not wanting to buy 20kg from our local stockist! - and it hasn't arrived yet.


I should have ordered it earlier, but was totally fooled by the fact that none of the eggs 'wobbled' at all, so I thought that either the chicks hadn't developed or the eggs were infertile. I only bought the chick crumbs at all as a sort of insurance against the unlikely event of any hatching.


A friend has said their father used to feed chicks fine toast crumbs, while my mum thinks she remembers an ancient family story of chopping up hard boiled eggs! Does anyone have any ideas, please?

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Thank for the advice - it would never have occurred to me to feed them tuna. I'm not very hopeful about getting the crumbs before Monday - I had them posted to my workplace and don't know if I can access it on a Saturday :? .


I had doubts about using my layers pellets - my cousin bought some young hens and two of them had some part of their intestines fall out through their vents, allegedly because they were fed layers pellets when too young. Apparently he should have started them on growers' pellets - but I can't buy those until Monday anyway. I wonder about Shredded Wheat or Weetabix, mashed up in warm water and left to go 'stodgy'?

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