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Guest chookiehen

Chocolate Courgette Cake

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Chocolate Courgette Cake

(From an Abel & Cole recipe sheet)


Sounds disgusting, but is delicious!


115g butter


125ml vegetable oil

1 tsp vanilla extract

300g sugar

4 tbsp cocoa

350g flour

1tsp bicarb soda

1/2 tsp ground cloves

1/2 tsp cinnamon

125ml soured milk

200g cooking chocolate, roughly chopped

2 small courgettes, grated



Cream butter and eggs, then gradually add sugar, vanilla and oil. Sift the dry ingredients into separate bowl, then gradually add to wet mixture. Slowly blend in milk. Add the chocolate and courgette. Put in a greased large cake tin, and bake for 40-50 minutes at 180C.


It's scrummy warm out the oven, and just as delicious cooled later!

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