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Mushroom Soup

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Recipe for Mushroom Soup (A WI Recipe)


2 oz butter

1lb mushrooms, chopped ( I used big field mushrooms, button mushrooms would give a nicer colour but I guess not such a good flavour)

1 onion chopped

1 garlic clove chopped

1oz flour

16fl oz milk

16 fl oz vegatable stock


Single cream and chopped parsley to serve.


1. Melt the butter and saute the mushrooms and onion and garlic

2. Add the flour and stir well cook briefly add the milk and staock stir well to ensure the flour is blended

3. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 mins or so, until the onion is soft. I then used a hand blender to slightly chop things up a bit more, not to a puree, just a bit to blend slightly.

4. Stir in lots of chopped parsley

5. serve with a swirl of cream.


The colour of this soup was a dark grey colour, probably not one to serve at a posh dinner, but really tasty.

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