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Mrs Frugal

Forum Photographic Competition

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The Forum photo competition has been moved to the Competition/Testing section which you can find here - Competition Section


If you're interested in taking part in this bit of fun, here is Phil's introduction...


OK boys and girls.. we have decided to host a photo competition - just for fun! There will be no prizes but we will vote for winners.....


There will be categories as follows:



Chicken/Bantam Picture that makes you go Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! (cute pic)

Chicken/Bantam Picture that makes you go Phwooooaarrrrrr! (good looking bird)

Chicken/Bantam Picture that makes you go hahahahahahahah!!! (funny pic)

Chicken/Bantam Picture that makes you go Wowww!!!!! (stunning pic)


and - view from your window that includes at least one chicken!



here's the rules:



1. only one entry per person in each category

2. you (or immediate family member) must have taken the photo

3. photos to be posted in relevant category thread

4. just photos please in the category threads - no chat or comment or "ooh that's a lovely picture!" - any questions or comments can be placed in this thread

5. photos to be no bigger than 50kb please and no bigger than 800x600pixels




here's the instructions:



1. If you don't know how to post pictures in a thread - or you don't know how to get them down tho the right size - then please send them to our dedicated competition email address chickpics@googlemail.com indicating which category you want to enter them in. Then I will do all the resizing, hosting and posting for you (aren't I generous!)

2. If you do know how to post pictures straight into the thread - then just get on with it - and I reserve the right to edit any pictures that are bigger than the limits set out above!

3. If you desperately want to enter - but don't know how do digitise your pics - then PM me and you can arrange to post your pics to me and I will scan them, resize them, host them and post them - you can't say fairer than that can you?



I hope some of this makes sense - if it doesn't - then ask away, and I will try to make it as clear as possible. There are loads of good photographers on the list - so don't be shy - submit your pics - have a bit of fun - I'm sure we'll be amazed by the talent here...


On June 1st I will convert the category threads into polls and it will then be time to vote - so you have until the end of May to get snapping and post those pics!


Good luck - and happy snapping,



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