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Children just found the hens cornering & pecking bird

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Talk about determined, the girls wanted to eat this baby bird no amount of ushering and shouting would keep them away long enough for me to to try to help it before they injured it as it was under some bushes.


Anyway after getting on my hands and knees and crawling underneath the bushes they scarpered and the bird was stood there shaking and obviously in shock, I was at a loss what to do as its a baby and I could hear another bird maybe mummy cheeping furiously.


I didnt touch it with my hands but ushered it behind a wall into undergrowth with a stick and went back to check roughly fifteen minutes later and it was gone, no cheeping either.


Kids were quite upset but understand now after a little talk that its nature and nature isnt always nice.


I honestly didn't realise what hunters chickens are!!!


I really really hope I did the right thing!

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