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Libby May

One Chicken Being Bullied - What Do I Do??!!:[

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We have 4 chickens; 2 white and blonde & 2 black and grey (as you can see, i'm quite new to this).

I've had them for 2 weeks and up until now, they've been roaming free range around our garden, they were destroying it, so we built them their own area.


Since we've done this, the smaller black and grey chicken has been biting the other black and grey chicken, by doing this, she's pulling the feathers out!


We can't seperate them because we don't have the resources. What else can I do to stop her?

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Sometimes they don't like being confined to run once they have known freedom! :lol: Try to make sure they have plenty of stimulation - perches to sit on, a cabbage to peck, the occasional handful of corn scattered in there for them to scratch about for.


You can also buy things to spray on the chicken that is being pecked to deter the pecker - anti peck spray, ukadex or stockholm tar.


As a last resort, you can get antipeck rings that the pecky chicken wears so they can't nip anymore.

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