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Could moulting have changed pecking order?

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My mum has 3 girls - the bluebelle and black rock age 24 wks and an 18 month old ex-batt, Alice. She's always been top chook since they were introduced in June. She has never been fully feathered either but is now starting to moult and drop feathers all over the place. Yesterday my mum noticed her tail was bloody, cleaned her up and noticed it was a broken feather quill. She then closely observed her with the other girls and it's clear that the bluebelle is the instigator, getting underneath to peck at the tail quills growing amoungst the old stubby ones. There's no blood now and I'm popping round tonight with bumpa bits and anti peck spray but my mum has noticed that lately Alice hasn't been so bossy.

Do you think it could be a shift in the pecking order now the other two are 'of age'?

Do you think the quill pulling is boredom or just an enticing temptation?

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