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Tuna for chooks

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I am currently giving my chooks tuna because they have just been put back together after some terrible bullying :evil: ...and I was hoping it would help Daisy grow her feathers back (plus the ones lost due to reestablishing the pecking order) and to make Hetty less likely to want the protein Daisy's feathrs provide for her...


I have been giving them half a can a day betweeen 3 of them... what quantities should I give them and for how long, or is it a good permanent thing?





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Half a can sounds ok -I gave my 2 tuna last year when their feathers were looking worse for wear.... Trya bit bit of chicken spice sprinkled over their food too -I found that perked them up a bit too + helped with feathers!


How's the bullying now? I introduced a new hen last week & having spot of bother with Ginger bullying the new hen badly!!


Not nice to watch is it? Did you keep your chckens apart for while or kept them together?

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It was really random! They had all been living with each other happily for a year, then suddenly Hetty (2 years older than the other two) started bullying Daisy (the smallest) we kept Daisy seperate while her wounds healed, have just put her back in with the others and now we are hoping that it won't start again, but Daisy does seem to be losing a few more feathers :evil::roll:





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