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Should I stop Baytril

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Chilli has been on Baytril now for 10 days. She has .56ml per day, this could go on forever as the bottle doesn't seem to be going down.


I had been keeping her seperate from the others at night, when she was really bad, in thekitchen and then in a cardboard pet carrier inside a dog crate and well covered up.

She seems much better, her eyes are clear, they were gungey her nostrils are clean but she still sneezes. Not as often.


Should I stop the Baytrilfor now and get her some chicken spice. I put citracidel in the water aswell. I let her go in the cube last night because the Bluebelle is starting to pick on Chilli so I thought I should reintroduce her so we don't have any other problems. I've been letting them free range together when possible so she hasn't been away from the others completely.


Have I done the right thing and what do you think about the Baytril. She's not laying yet but is it safe to eat her eggs because of the baytril,if not how long will it be before it is safe.


Sorry quite a few questions, your input gratefully received as always.


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It it were me personally I would keep using the Baytril until it was finished. Just as in the way they tell us humans to finish a course of antibiotics I would do the same for a chicken.


Our Ella has been on Baytril for over 2 weeks and has another 2 week course to go, I always think its better to be safe than sorry so will let her finish her course. :wink:


Up to you though.


We dont eat her eggs whilst shes on it. I think there is a period of withdrawl after a course is finished, I dont know exactly what it is, but I would wait a week or so if it were me.

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