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Can some one help me ?

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Hi :talk2hand:


We have a duck that is about 15 weeks old the problem is we don't know what sex it is how old will it be until we can tell it is still brown all over but has a green tint in its feathers I have always thought it was a girl but im now not so sure !!


can any one help me on this matter



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Glad you have a pair :D ,a fox got all but 1 of my ducklings. :( . Even my lovely aylesbury, Albert aka Paris Hilton.Got 3 ducks and 1 drake now, all the ducks honk really loudly , poor Ghengis just squeaks a lot, although he looks very manly with his newly curled tail feathers and a magnificent green crest, or bobble :lol: Feel sorry for him, he is so bossed about by his ducks.

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Hi Rusky,


So sorry to hear about your fox attack.


Has Ghengis and his harem settled?


I once had an attack on my ducks which left one of my Aylesburys with a badly mangled foot. Put her in the shed with her partner (not expecting her to survive). He never left her side until she regained the strength to hobble out. The foot withered away and she became a very self sufficient one leg, one stump duck who continued to lay throughout :!:


It just goes to prove the strength of the female mind when survival is paramount.



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