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Breeders in Essex

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Hi everyone


I was hoping to get some Ex Batt chickens but have been waiting for ages and have found out today that the next Essex BHWT rescue will not be until Nov/Dec :(

So since I've had my empty cube sitting there waiting since mid August I'm now going to get 3 pol chickens instead. (and then if all goes well with them I could still get some Ex Batts when they're available - not actually run that past DH yet but will cross that bridge when I come to it :lol: )


I've found the following places in Essex with available Pol's

Upsons Poultry

Essex Chickens at Smilers Farm

Happy Hens

Barling Poultry

Rosehill Hatchery


Has anyone any experience of these places or know of somewhere reliable to get Pol's from in Essex.



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Hi there. I've been to smilers and wasn't keen to tell you the truth... I know some people who use upsons and are very happy. there is also hensforhomes which are very good.


I'm afraid I went over the water to hen house poultry in teston kent which is only a 40min drive for me, they are HIGHLY recommended.


Where in essex are you?

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Hi there,


I'd just like to add my bit about Hen House Poultry. We got our first 3 chickens from there Tuesday before last. It's a great place with big, spacious open runs, and a good range of chickens. All the brids we saw looked really healthy, and Ben, who runs the place is a thoroughly wonderful man. He took time to give us advice and was very helpful.


We bought a Mendlesham Ranger, a Mendlesham Amber and a Fenning Sussex. I thought the pricing was fair and the birds just lovely. I know it's not in Essex, but it's worth the drive.


Do phone him first, as he may not be able to do weekends.


Good luck!

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Hi quick cluck

Yes thanks. Ben at Hen House Poultry didn't have any his next lot are due in October.

But I gor 3 Hybrids from Golden Valley in Surrey and a Orpington and a Silkie from a breeder in Ongar. So I've ended up with 5 with is more than I planned.


Have to say its been a fantastic weekend, they are all lovely girls and I've sneaked aday off work today to chicken watch!


Am trying to upload photos at the mo - hopefully will be able to do it without having to ask DD for help!


Thanks for all your help. :D

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