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Beccy and Niki

Runny Poo

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I'm a novice with chickens!


We got our 2 girls at the weekend and one of them has really runny poo (not sure which one as we've not actually seen them pooing, it's just in the droppings tray in the morning)


I'm hoping that it might be because of; change in food, journey to our house, new home etc etc.


Should I be doing anything to help her?


Any advice would be helpful

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It is very common for this to happen when they go to their new homes.


The change of circumstances can often unsettlethem..


Also. if the Eglu is on grass, the extra vegetation will be going straight through her.


I would keep her on pellets and water only for a few days....no extra treats, and if you can get hold of some bokashi bran, add that to the pellets, it will firm the poo up nicely.


A dollop of probiotic yoghurt will help, as will Avipro, a probiotic supplement which you can get online.



Generally these early squitts settle quite quickly with the above "treatment".

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Beccy, mine pooped like crazy and had the squits for a few weeks when they first arrived. So much so I was changing the poop tray every other day and thought that all the people on this forum that said it was a once/twice weekly job had got it wrong!!!! But it all settled down on its own after a while.

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