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eating eggs

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one of my girls has started eating one of the other girls eggs.


Katie always lays !egg! with thin shells and i thought they sometimes broke. i have noticed though that Gabby has started to hang around by the (green eglu) door when Katie goes in to lay, she has also started pecking her bum when she trying to lay. I don't know how to stop her. If i see Katie going in i'll shut Gabby out and then retrive the egg before allowing Gabby back in (she runs straight into the nest box) but most days I'm not there so i come home to a broken shell.


I know its not Heather, as she can't get about by herself.

Any advice would be appreciated

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all our ex batts have stopped laying now but before they did they all laid softies, I just let them get on with it and let them tidy up the mess. Seemed a shame to bin the eggs when they seemed to be enjoying them. They only ate the the soft ones, it didn't lead to them eating normal eggs. I wouldn't worry personally, unless the pecking draws blood that is.

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Hi Poet


thanks for the advice


Not really bothered if we have less eggs. It just seems such a shame when little katie (bald and bottom of the pecking order) trys hard and lays us an egg and then evil :twisted: Gabby eats it !!

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if the shell is still intact, try and get there before her.


There is a school of thought that says you can try filling a blown egg shell with mustard powder so that if they try to eat it, they'll get a shock or put some ceramic eggs in there to try and deter her.

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