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Anyone elses hens refusing to go in at night?

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Actually, it's not the hens, it's the two cockerels. They absolutely WILL NOT go in at night. :notalk: I spent several weeks going down after dark, scooping them off their perch and stuffing them through the egg port into the cube, but next night there they are again, perching somewhere else. :notalk::doh: Because it's a big old walk in run I can't remove ALL the perches every night then put them back every day, so in the end I gave in and let them sleep outside (all snuggled up together as opposed to kicking the whotsit out of each other during the day :roll: ) So do I just leave them to it? Is it specifically "boy" behaviour? It's supposed to be getting cold at night in the next week or so, I know they're roughy toughy old birds, but in fact they're only 20 something week old babies and I don't want to come out to chicken lollies! :lol:


Mrs B

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About the mites, I haven't studied it I must admit but then the other 9 hens are going in fine and whilst we're not getting a huge amount of eggs (about 3 a day if we're lucky from 8 laying hens<) 2 are ex-batts so were erratic anyway, two are breeds so have stopped which leaves four so we're getting about what we're due. I will double check but the cube gets sprinkled very liberally with mite powder at every clean.


Mrs B

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One of my hens also refuses to sleep inside the eglu. The eglu is up on a table inside the modified run, and she likes to sleep on the bit just outside the door. I have tried popping her in when they are all fast asleep, but she just walks back outside.


Perhaps it'll change when it gets colder. The eglu is sheltered on three sides so I guess it's not been too chilly so far this summer.


I do hope it's her decision though and that she hasn't been 'bullied' out by the other girls...

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