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It's snowing!

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ahh shame.... Alfred are they using the straw to snuggle in? I used an old lilo (thicker than shower curtain, up the end by the Eglu. It reached all the way to the ground both sides kept the wind & driving rain out, but mine never seemed to use it.... I expect because I had them up by the house in the car port, or like right now they are enjoying the warmth of the fire :D

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I got stuck on the M40 on the way back from work because of the snow - was in a rush to get back as I wasn't sure how the chickens would react to it. Daft really, the chickens are so chilled out about everything and it is only me that worries, not them. Fireworks, lawnmowers, hail, floods, snow......anything....it just doesn't seem to bother them at all :D Now worrying that they might be cold - just had a sneaky look at them and they are fine, all in a big snuggly heap. :D


I guess after my first year with them I will stop worrying about all these things! :roll:

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if it helps I put a thermometer in the eglu last night. it was 4 in there & 7 in my unhested downstairs bathroom. BUt tonight i have put it in the nest box & it is 13 in there & just had a peek & she is standing not even snuggling up! There are 3 nests in there 1 long roosting bar & 2 chicken! put it down under the bar last night!

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I brought mine into the house last night - i am only worried as 2 are bald otherwise they would be fine i know. They seemed pleased to be brought in but annoyed to be made to sleep in a box in the hall rather than find their own roosting spot. Awoke this morning to a loud clucking noise at 7am! They all went outside for brekkie with a spring in their step.

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I have 2 in an unheated bathroom, but they are not bald all over. lucky you they roost mine don't & their bald bits get to sit in the wet... not so good. have you an eglu? perhaps you could put the roosting bar on the bottom of the box. I think from an earlier post somewhere we have to be careful that they 1. don'tr get 2too warm & 2. that the warnth doesn't make ny illness cook up more so to speak. did you read the bit about the thermometer. It was 0 outside last night & +4 with chook roosting over 7 when she snuggled & 2 when empty this morn about 9. you could cover the Eglu but not all te holes to make it warmer. can you see daylight througfh the back by the tray, mine does have quite a large gap, but they are in bowls of shredded paper at the minute. (that's 2 feathered. 1 totally, one bald belly & crop.)

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I don't think getting too warm will be an issue in our house. It is about 14 degrees in our hall. Using the roosting bars in the box is a good idea. I nearly left them out last night as when i checked on them at 6pm they were in a pile - literally, one on top of another on top of another. But when i checked again at 11pm they were all awake and one was shivering so brought them in again.

I will get a thermometer. also a webcam will be useful so i can watch them from work!

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