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Colours and sexing

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Hi everyone

i have two runners one about 7 weeks the other about 3 there both sort of brown speckled the older one appears to be getting quite a light chest and green tinge on his/her head they have a greeny blue block by there tail im thinking there going to be trout but anyone got any ideas on what colour they could be?

Plus with the sexing if there a male wil the tail feathers be noticably curly at the moment the eldest look straight with a tiny bit of a curve

thanks a

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The drake tail feathers will become noticeably curly, but often not until they are nearly mature, so not for a few weeks yet for your ducks.


I don't know anything about the colouring I'm afraid - we have White Campbells and one Black Runner :D You could ask on the Practical Poultry forum as they have more duck keepers over there.

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