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Muvver hen

chicks and flubenvet

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No, it's a powdered medication, and needs to be mixed with their layer pellets over a 7 day period.


If given according to the manufacturers instructions, it's 1 tsp powder to 4 kg feed. This ratio to be fed over 7 days. If you have some left over at the end of the 7 day, discard it. For those with only two or three hens, you mix 1/2 tsp with 2 kg food.


Give very little in the way of treats during the course, so that they eat predominantly the medicated pellets.


The other way of doing things, which I found works really well for our hens, it the 'grape method'. You cut a grape in half, and dip the cut edge in the Flubenvet powder. Then feed each hen with half a grape each day for 7 days. Because it's strong stuff, it's important that each hen only has half a grape each day. However, it's also important that each hen does get half a grape each day for the medication to be effective.


If you can't be sure to feed each hen independently via the 'grape method', then use a medicated batch of layer pellets.



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