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Foxwatch and cats?

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Hi there,


I have seen a few peple use this and wondered how does it work with cats?


We are quitekeen on this as we would like to protect our ladies, I lost a duck when I was a child and found it awful, so would like to reduce the chance of this happening to my kids hens (which they adore).


We have two cats and wondered if the sound would bother them at all ?, or is it only in the audible range of canines? Any help with this would be most appreciated


thanks in advance


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You suspect right. canines and felines are on different "wavelengths" You are fine to get a foxwatch... Some things to consider though.


1 When plugged in the range is better than batteries.

2 Batteries may have different shelf life so changing would have to kept a close eye on.

3 Foxes have been known to work out the range and been seen around outside this range 4 Moving your unit around could help to fox the fox as the range and edge of range will move.



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