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Aga n Chickens

Bumper Month !

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Just been outside to check and see if we have any late lays before the final end of the month tally tot up.


The results are now in......4 chickens produced 110 eggs between them this month :dance:


Since November we have been collecting over 90 eggs per month, but this takes us into another league.


All the hens have been laying since 16th April last year, so I don't expect their output to exceed this month's.


Last Easter was much earlier (before the chooks started to lay), so we missed out on our Easter Eggs, all being well we shouldn't fall short this year :D





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Crickey thats impressive!


Ive only been keeping hens since 9th Feb, Feb was a bit of a slow month but my three girls got into the swing of things in March and managed 65 eggs between them :dance: I thought I was doing well but 110 is Fab.


We built a new run for them middle of last week which is bigger and more secure, but they went off laying for a few days but it looks like they are starting to lay again :D

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Hello again


Looks as if April is off to a flying start, so far I've collected 33 eggs and we are only 9 days into the Month :D


Far too many eggs for the 2 of us to cope with even though I have been trying out a selection of Quiche recipes and we're both having egg mayo salads for our lunch pack up.


I'm asking anyone who visits at the moment to bring along an egg box and they can help themselves from the skelter.


This weekend I'm going to try a Rhubard Clafouti to help use up more eggs and rhubarb when we have friends over.


Thanks to the other output of the chickens, (which had been spread around our 5 crowns) we now have a surplus of rhubarb.....it's like a jungle out there. We're making sure it is out of beak range of the girls as it would upset their tums and we have plenty enough of that at the moment thank you. :roll:


Kind regards,



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