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Mrs Frugal

The www button

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A quick warning to you all.


We are still having problems with spammers getting through our registration security and most of them have very unsuitable websites linked to the www buttons on their profiles.


I would advise you all NOT to click on these unless you know that the person is a genuine member. I am doing my best to keep on top of the situation and am deleting new members who appear to be dodgy but I can't be here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


I can't be held responsible if you do happen to find yourselves on unsuitable websites. I will do my best to keep the forum clear of these though

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I'm getting an eye for them, Louise but if the name doesn't look like a normal Omlet forum username, give it a wide berth. Obvious things to look for are strangely spelled names or ones with several letters the same - eg Smiith or anything with XXX in is usually highly dodgy. Some also have a clue to their website in their name - Via..... or Britney...... or meds...... Ones written in capital letters are often spammers too. If you see anything suspicious, just let me know but the mods are all on the look out and will notify me if they see anything dodgy and I'll remove them asap. Another way to check is to click on the member's profile button as this will show their www as a url and they usually give the game away because the porn and drug sites tend to have what they're selling in the url name.


Hope this helps. You can usually spot a genuine forum username as they are chicken names, people names or something to do with chickens :lol: .

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I'm just bumping this topic up a bit for all the new members as we're getting an awful lot of spammers registering at the moment. I removed over 30 yesterday alone so this is just a reminder to you all to not click the "www" buttons for any members on the memberlist unless they are known to you or are posting. That way you know their websites are safe and you won't come across anything offensive.


The unsavoury members can't post on the forum as their accounts, like all new members, haven't been activated until I do it manually myself. This means I can remove anyone who isn't a genuine member before they can post anything. However, I can't be here all the time and some names will sit on the memberlist for a few hours sometimes if I'm out or busy but as soon as I come online, the first thing I do is work through all the new members who have registered and activate the genuine ones and delete the spammers.


So, please don't worry if you see any strange sounding names on the memberlist and please don't click any www buttons until you know the person is a genuine forum member.


Thanks everyone :D .

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