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badger problems

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Badgers have been destroying my vegetable patch this week. I am getting worried that when my eglu arrives they will start to push it around and upset the girls. Any tips on how to keep them out?


Only 12 days to go now and I am getting more excited about my arrivals.

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If you buy pegs from the omlet website it would hold the eglu down so the badger couldn't push it around although I'm sure tent pegs would do. Also, if your going to the zoo any time soon you can apparently buy lion poo to put in your garden and keep foxes at bay so it might have the same effect on badgers! For a less smellier approach I think you can get special devices that send out singles that humans can't here but animals like badgers and foxes don't like. :? hopes this helps :?:

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About the lion poo, I'm not really sure, I was sure I was just trying to be helpfull :oops: My grandma did definitely say it worked though because foxes e.c.t sense a larger more dangerous predator and stay away! Perhaps you could look it up on the internet before you drag yourself to the zoo! Also doesn't it say somewhere on the omle if you get the "alpha male" :lol: to pee around your garden that also works! or am I making that up too :oops: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

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About the lion poo, I'm not really sure, I was sure I was just trying to be helpfull :oops: My grandma did definitely say it worked though because foxes e.c.t sense a larger more dangerous predator and stay away! Perhaps you could look it up on the internet before you drag yourself to the zoo! Also doesn't it say somewhere on the omle if you get the "alpha male" :lol: to pee around your garden that also works! or am I making that up too :oops: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Dog poo works like this too. We spread ours generously around and over the back fence (it's a field behind, not some neatly manicured bowling green, don't worry!) and of course the dog frequents the garden every day. Hens out all day, and no foxes. And the men peeing works too, but the dog's infinitely more convenient

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