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can I add another chicken to my two chickens

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hi there

i would like to know if i would be able to add another chicken on its own to my two chickens which are 18 weeks of age.

if you can help with my question which chicken can u suggest to mix with my two ginger nuts.




Mark and Rodney Clive

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If your current cickens are very new to each other then it might be OK, it is not normally advisable to get one new one on their own as it will probably get picked on, but if the other two have litterally only just met each other it might be ok.


You should probably keep them seperated but in sight of each other for a little while to make sure there is no fighting... I am sure other people will have some better answers for you... Good luck :D

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I recently added one new girl to two established chickens, and while it took a couple of days, and there was a bit of pecking, it really wasn't that bad. I've done several 'introductions' over the last 2 and a bit years, and this was actually the easiest. I'm afraid I go by the 'chuck 'em in and leave 'em to it' brigade. It can be vicious to start with, but everything settles within 24-48 hours. Pecking is inevitable, no matter how you do introductions, so i kind of feel it better not to prolong the agony.


as for breeds, well, I guess it would depend on if you want different coloured eggs - you can get chickens that lay a rainbow of eggs, from white through to blue, through to the darkest chocolate brown. What do you fancy? :)

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