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Making a new run fox-proof

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A'rternoon :D


We're putting together our new run for the girls this weekend - it's a kind of flat pack affair rather than a build-from-scratch project but a nice size for them to run around and play over the winter when we're out and about. We need to ensure it's as fox-proof as the eglu run - we were thinking of laying it on top of 40cm paving stones. How much paving stone area do you reckon we should have protruding from the edge of the run to make it impossible for the fox to dig under, would you say? Should we add a chicken-wire skirt underneath that too?


Gawd ... the things you do for those pecky girls :)


Thanks in advance for any advice or opinions.


Skye x

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I would say a couple of feet all round.


I wouldn't put chicken wire on top of the paving stones, as it will catch in the hens toe nails as they scratch around.


I would find some way of anchoring your run down as a determined fox might get under it if it is light weight.


Good luck.


Take some pics and let us admire your handiwork. :lol:

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We built our run from scratch and laid large paving slabs all along the outside of the fences with the chickenwire (from the fences) extended underneath the slabs. We have had the run for 18 months, foxes shout outside the garden nearly every night :roll: and we still have our chickens, so I think it must be safe.

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