maizey Posted December 14, 2007 Share Posted December 14, 2007 Hi guys, I see a lot of members now have fantastic colourful moving pictures and captions attached to their name and posts. They really brighten up the forum. Can any explain to me how these are produced? Many thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs Frugal Posted December 14, 2007 Share Posted December 14, 2007 Hi Maizey, In the FAQ is a topic on how to use the forum and I've just copied this from it as it explains how to upload an avatar. If you have any problems, just PM me and I'll see if I can help. ADDING AN AVATAR (like the picture below my name on the left) To add an avatar to your profile, you need to trawl through the internet search engines (Google's good) looking for "animated avatars" or "animated GIFs". When you find one you like - it doesn't have to be animated if you'd prefer a less manic one - you click the right hand button of your mouse over it and a menu will come up. The picture has to be less than 12K or no more than 80 pixels high or wide so click on "Properties" to see if it's the right size. On the menu, select "Save picture as" - in the box that comes up when you do that, you can choose where the picture will be stored on your computer. I always put them straight into "My Pictures" which is the file the computer automatically selects for you. Click "save". The picture is then stored in a file ready for use. Right, now go into "Profile" in this forum and find the "Upload Avatar from your machine" bit at the bottom. You need to click on the "Browse" button to find where your picture is stored. You'll see the "My Pictures" file automatically appear when you do that and all you have to do is find the name of the picture you've saved. Double click on that name and it should appear in the box next to the "Browse" button. All you now have to do is click "Submit" and it should be in your profile. The ones in their signatures are added using photo hosting sites like Photobucket to save an image then it is added to your signature by copying the IMG code from Photobucket and pasting it into your signature which can be done when you access your profile at the top left of the screen . To upload an avatar or an image for your signature from Photobucket, make sure it's avatar sized first (80x80 pixels) by selecting "resize" then "avatar" or you can use - Scroll down the page and where it says width selectable put in 80 - or it will push the text sideways on the page. For an avatar, copy the "Direct Link" code from under the picture when its in thumbnail size in Photobucket, highlight the code in this box, click your right mouse button and select "copy" from the menu that pops up. Go to your profile and paste it into the box which says "Link to off-site Avatar:" then click submit. If it's going in your signature, just highlight the contents of the "IMG Code" box and paste that into your signature box. Please keep your avatar to a reasonable size! Anything which is over sized will be resized ! Nothing larger than 175 pixels wide and 233 pixels high please. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...