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How many chickens in the eglu sleeping bit???

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I've got five in one eglu with a converter and extension added (they get quite a bit of freeranging too) They don't look too squashed in the house -although I wouldn't want to add any more - as one always sleeps in the nesting box and the other four on the bars


They used to live as two sets of three in two seperate eglus - but after one died the other two just moved themselves in with the others one day when I was putting them back in the runs, so if they have chosen to all be in together they must be happy.


It does mean that I currently have an empty eglu which is just screaming out to be filled with MORE CHICKENS !!! Yay !!! :lol:



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It does mean that I currently have an empty eglu which is just screaming out to be filled with MORE CHICKENS !!! Yay !!! :lol:


Get some ex-batts! :lol:


I have four in each Eglu (+ converter and extender) They are quite happy!


I could put a couple more in, but the run size would be an issue.


You can extend them ad infinitum, but it would be very heavy to move around and dismantle for a mega clean.

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