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Does anyone want an Ikea shower curtain?

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I bought one this week,but it is now surplas to requirements as we have a covered pen (nearly!)


I am happy to post it on to anyone who can make use of it,for a nice clear winter eglu run cover.


It is out of its packet & will NOT fold back up the right way,but has not been used.


PM me with address details



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The CAT is great! :D I went there about 7 years ago. Me and some friends hired a cottage just down the road over christmas - fillied it with booze - lit the log fire and settled down for the week. After stuffing ourselves silly on Christmas Day and on Boxing Day we fancied a walk to burn off the excesses and wandered up the road to CAT.


Unfortunately, being Boxing Day it was closed :( BUT the turnstile was open so we went on in anyway! :roll::oops: Naughty I know but it was great having the place comepletely to ourselves. WE wandered around and everywhere we could get to we went there! We learnt loads of stuff from all the information boards - although I have to say it did get a bit surreal at one stage when we managed to wander into an underground tunnel with a gigantic model mole in it!! (Speaking of moles will someone pleeeaase go over to the gardening section and answer my query)


At the end of our visits my frinds played a joke on me and said there was someone coming and I crawled about 100 yards on my hands and knees to avoid being detected by the member of staff who wasn't even there!


It was great. We'll definately go back there one day (when its open this time :wink: ).

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