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Automated Door Closure For Hen House

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Hi all,


We are about to buy a large secure run for our 'ladies' so that we can spend the odd night away during the coming Summer. Despite the fact that it will be pretty much fox proof we want to be certain that they are secure in their house overnight.


They have always been really good at bedtimes so it is pretty easy to predict when they will be settling down.


Does anyone have any experience of using an automated pop hole closer? Are they any good or shall I just continue to ask the neighbours to pop round to lock them up?


Thanks in advance, Lucy (slave to Lara, Winnie, Margot and Barbara) !eggbrown!

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Apparently they're good as my Mum's friend daughter uses one with her chicken coop!


However make sure the entrance to the house isn't shaded because otherwise you end up shutting chickens outside-this happened with hers once and they ended up with two in the house and two roosting outside. Luckily they were in at the time to rescue them!

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Many thanks for the info sent so far. Very useful. We'll take a good look over the weekend, we have a bit of time yet as the new run won't be ready until the end of March. The tip about the light is good to know as well, wouldn't have thought about that I must admit.



If it helps our Barnvelda, Barbara, was almost 8 months old before she started laying. We were just getting worried about her and suddenly she started popping them out! She's a bit slow again at the moment, just recovering from her first moult, but hopefully with the weather getting better she'll be back into full production again shortly.



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If it helps our Barnvelda, Barbara, was almost 8 months old before she started laying. We were just getting worried about her and suddenly she started popping them out! She's a bit slow again at the moment, just recovering from her first moult, but hopefully with the weather getting better she'll be back into full production again shortly.




Thanks for that info-now how many weeks does that work out as???


I reckon 32 weeks, maybe slightly more. That means she should lay soonish-mind you it doesn't help the fact that there isn't enough daylight yet!

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