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i need a bit advice which ones should i go for?

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now then had another offer from a breeder that was recomended to me.

she has on offer to me

wyandottes bantam, just started to lay

brown leghorn large, laying

bantam white leghorn, laying

leg bar not laying yet 19 weeks old

welsummer large fowl pullet


i really cant choose wanted 2 that are laying and regular layers but would love the wyndotty,

got 4 already i know i can get 2 normal hens in now so how many could i get in if i went for the 2 bantams? could i get one of the normal size hens as well in my coop?


got in the coop at min one buff, 2 rhode reds, one little silki think she a bantam

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Bantam eggs are about half to 2/3 the size of a standard hen's egg - mine are about 40g average. They also have less white in proportion to the yolk, so make very very yellow scrambled eggs! :)


My Wyandotte bantam is a fairly consistent layer - one every other day, except when she's broody. She's also a bit mouthy! :roll:

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