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Poo colour

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One week in and we are doing ok.




All 3 chickens do different poo. One I would describe as normal, one a little lighter and one is completely butterscotch colour and quite loose.


What is this telling me?


Thanks in advance



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Paul there are as many types of poo as there are stars in the sky!!


If one of your hens is a bit squitty, (probably due to settling in) the best thing is to mix some Bokashi Bran in with their pellets. It works wonders.


They do an alarming chip shop curry sauce type poo about every 10th go....it is nothing to worry about, they are just clearing out their caecum.

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I have discovered over the past two weeks that chickens are rather like babies - what goes in, seems to come out!!

The bokhasi bran definitely settly my two down as one of them had the squits when she arrived.

Now they are addicted to raisins I find their poo dark and well formed... :oops:

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